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Campaigning to cut Newcastle Airport's impact on the climate emergency, your health and your life
Updates and news

One day soon, 40 degrees centigrade will seem cool
"The brutal truth is that dodging dangerous, all-pervasive, climate breakdown is now practically impossible. Even if all the promises and...

Red alert – climate change bites
Red alert - national emergency extreme heat warning

Aircraft noise – your health at risk?
It’s long been scientifically established that noise can be bad for your health. Traffic and industrial noise have received a lot of...

Social responsibility?
Newcastle Airport has published a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy (“CSR”). We welcome such policies where we think they are...

Aviation's latest insanity
Australian airline Qantas has announced plans to fly non-stop from London and New York to Sydney - a 20 hour flight. Flights will require...

Greenwashing and aviation
Lots of industries are climbing on the global warming bandwagon in order to look good to consumers. Aviation is no exception in the...

Budget promotes global warming
The Chancellor, in his recent budget, has slashed taxes (Air Passenger Duty - APD) on domestic flights. This cut is forecast to lead to...

Ban domestic flights to help tackle climate change
Domestic flights should be banned and long-distance train fares subsidised, transport campaigners have urged, highlighting the relative...

Reject Newcastle Airport’s loan request
Local Councils asked to reject Newcastle Airport’s loan request. The 7 North East Councils are being asked to prop up an at-risk business...
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